I invite you to kick ‘fine’ to the curb and give asshole brain a few days off. You’re invited to a space that’s big and full and vibrant and equal parts joyful and deep.
It’s called…
The Imaginarium is for generating deep connection despite every obstacle:
deep seeing,
deep feeling,
and deep expression despite our months years of collective social atrophy.
We’ll gather as a group of humans intent on moving forward from this particular moment, in which we’ve been paused for weeks or months or years and know that it’s time to take a step.
But WHICH step? This event will help you find your next right move.
We’ll meet as a handful of beings who want to grow despite; grow beyond; grow into; grow past; grow through; who want to grow even in these dark-ass dumpster fire days.
I’ll share secrets and let my truths hang out in the name of giving you space to tell your stories and share your truths.
We’ll co-create a space in which EVERYTHING you bring to the table is welcome, then practice ways of being that bring your deepest truth out to play.
Speaking of play! I’ve been asking everyone I know if they’re playing or having fun and everyone just LAUGHS IN MY FACE. So we’ll also be having some fucking FUN.
And THEN. Only after everyone has been seen and heard and connected with their humanity and laughed so hard they peed a little…
👉🏻We’ll dive into what’s easy, fun, light, or spacious. What feels meaningful at this moment. What the next steps look like on your particular path.
👉🏻We’ll explore ways you can best support your truest work when you’re not on the clock. (HINT: I’m going to ask about your cookie to vegetable ratio. ;))
👉🏻We’ll talk about business — if you have one. What’s working and what isn’t. What feels hard or damn near impossible. Why NEXT LEVEL SALES aren’t possible when NEXT LEVEL SHOWERING isn’t on the table some days.
👉🏻We’ll dream as big and tall and high and wide as humanly possible. And THEN.
👉🏻We’ll find a small habit or two that will help you make tiny, annoying progress — and then hold you accountable for creating that habit in the three months following the event. (YES REALLY, YOU’LL HAVE TO DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU’RE GOING TO DO! IT’S THE BEST/WORST THING EVER.)
No matter how stuck, tight, paused, or particularly awful the place where you are right now happens to be…
You don’t have to stay there.
Come join other humans who are willing to risk connection — being seen, just as we are in this moment — and then move toward a future of our own choosing. Together.
Kickstart your coming-back-to-life process with other magical creatures like yourself at The Imaginarium.
Every portion of this container is geared toward providing soul-level sustenance for the months ahead. Because YES we’re doing another season of permacrisis and NO we don’t have to hate every minute of it.
📖 Opening night book exchange — because meeting strangers is better when you’re rewarded with books!
🌈 Two days of workshop magic for 7 peeps in Dublin
🌈 Live virtual meetups for the 3 months following the event to keep you accountable for making tiny, annoying progress
🌈 Daily accountability buddies to help you track your progress between meetups
It all goes down from May 17-19, 2023 in Dublin, Ireland.
Growing more fully alive —
which we’ll be starting live
and continuing for three months afterward —
means doing the hard-but-worth-it work required
to feel your emotions,
shake up the status quo,
change your harmful patterns,
ask for help, say no more often,
and laugh at your own chaos.
The cost of The Imaginarium is 2500, or 5 payments of $500. There are 7 spots for the fully vaccinated.
Let’s start bringing you back to life.
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 ON THE FENCE? You can choose to make a $100 deposit if your heart is like YESSS!!! but your mind has some questions! We’ll schedule a call and see if you’re a good fit. If yes, YAY! If not, I’ll happily refund your deposit. (Just choose the deposit option at checkout 👇🏻)
Want to hear from the attendees from the first Imaginarium? You got it:
🗓Let’s talk ACCOUNTABILITY: not sexy, but so effective.
I know it’s not sexy to talk about accountability, but! I don’t want to be responsible for getting you all jazzed up, full of ideas, and then…making zero progress because no one checked in on you or your goals.
I’ve seen it happen at every BIG GIANT CONFERENCE OF WOWWOWWOW I’ve ever been to, and it’s profitable af. It’s just not what I do. 😉
When you stop pretending you’re going to make over your whole life in dramatic, reality-TV-like fashion, you’ll come face-to-face with daily action. (Read: The Fab Five are busy and JVN isn’t coming to save your beauty routine, hunny.)
Accountability lets the waves of delight and inspiration and creativity you’ll experience in The Imaginarium move you into action — no matter how small — for the sake of fully living through this pandemic. Not just surviving or getting by: truly living.
Who am I to tell you how to leave “I’m fine” in the dust?
What’s almost killed me over the years is the pressure I’ve put on myself to BE FINE through objectively shitty events — like marrying the exact wrong person, staying in the marriage for 6 years after my intuition told me to exit, taking business risks and falling on my face, or battling (20 years of) chronic depresssion.
When I put ENORMOUS amounts of pressure on myself to JUST BE FINE GODDAMMIT, I’m unable to be honest about my desires, to feel my feelings, or to express my deepest truths.
Which leads to shutting down my emotions, avoiding my intuition, and lying to myself about my deepest needs. All while telling everyone around me that “I’m fine.”
The place where you are — when you’re “fine?” That’s The Box.
The Box gets smaller, more cramped, and even less fun over time.
SO LET’S GET YOU THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. (And stop your shower-crying streak dead in its tracks.)
I know, you’re telling yourself I’m not talking about you. Asshole brain whispers that YOU are beyond hope and that YOU cannot possibly be helped by telling the truth about your whole life without shame or judgement. Asshole brain just wants you to check Insta and/or drink enough margaritas to never feel anything ever again.
(You can totally listen to asshole brain and I’ll never be the wiser. BUT.)
WHAT IF the way back to your aliveness is by kicking ‘fine’ to the curb?
WHAT IF pursuing your aliveness is a matter of being deeply honest with yourself about your needs, desires, and truths?
And WHAT IF you can do that work in the company of other rad humans so you don’t feel so goddamn lonely as you find your way?
That’s PRECISELY the work we’re going to do together in The Imaginarium.
If you currently don’t feel isolated, stuck, joyless, or disconnected from your being/work/beloveds — then you’re all good! No need to come! BUT.
If you know the way you’ve been surviving pandemic/permacrisis chaos isn’t sustainable for another 3 to 300 months…come.
Let’s imagine your new life, and then watch you step into it.
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 ON THE FENCE? You can choose to make a $100 deposit if your heart is like YESSS!!! but your mind has some questions. We’ll schedule a call and see if you’re a good fit. If yes, YAY! If not, I’ll happily refund your deposit. (Just choose the deposit option at checkout 👆🏻)