About - ⚡️Kristen Kalp


I’ve spent the last decade
endlessly engaged with matters of meaning
and intuition and pace
in business and in life
wondering why why why am I so obsessed
with saying NO
to 6-step formulas,
done-for-you answers,
and making more (and more and more) digital noise?

Why is my
so offended when “That’s just they way things are” —
What is wrong with me?

And now we see:

The status quo needs us
to swallow all that
faster-faster-be-more-productive bullshit.

To keep on keeping on.

The status quo
leaves us starved
of rest
and truth
and fulfillment
and finding enough
by design.

And now we see:

We are free to harvest our lives for meaning.
To listen deeply to our hearts.
To move at the pace of earth itself,
which is seasonal, which is
s l o w.

And now.

It’s time to feed ourselves.

Here, you’ll find eleven years’ worth of books and poems
and breathwork and business advice
to help you go your own way;
hear, develop, and use your own voice;
and tweak your systems of meaning-making
for access to the fuller, richer life
already alive within this one.

You could say I’ve been doing
my very particular work
for this particular moment
all along.

P.S. The links provided offer 21 entry points into the work I’m most proud of creating.  Explore away, or check out the more in-depth bio here.

P.P.S.  Very Official Third-Person Bio is as follows:

Kristen Kalp is a teacher, healer, and business coach who helps people create lives of meaning.  She facilitates long-lasting change with the help of simple techniques, gentle presence, and laughter; has published a bunch of books as both an author and a ghostwriter;  has been living with and learning from chronic depression for 18 years; and has enjoyed speaking gigs, retreats, and workshops in 17 cities and in 6 countries around the world.  Standing ovations are her favorite drug.

P.P.P.S.  If you’d like to hang with me for a while, join my email squad!

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