Over the years, I’ve found that most business owners don’t know their enough number. You know, your enough number: the precise amount of money it takes to cover your business and personal expenses, as well as account for taxes so you don’t suddenly owe ALL THE DOLLARS on April 15th.
In this special edition of the podcast, I’ll show you how to figure out precisely how much money you need your business to make each month, then break down exactly how much of your work you’ve got to sell to make that number happen. We’ll even account for taxes, and of course I’ll make you laugh the whole time.
Finding your enough number will help you prioritize your marketing activities, stop overwhelm in its tracks, and generally stop your asshole brain from going on and on about needing the vague and ominous “MORE” money.
Listen in below.
HEAR YE HEAR YE THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT. This could be a paid class with a bunch of videos and bonuses and blah blah blah, but then you’d never actually do it because it would be one more thing you mean to do but never get around to completing. (When asked to take a long-ass class about finances, 100% of humans suddenly have something much better to do.)
Please treat this like a no big deal, just-hanging-out-on-an-average-Tuesday sort of podcast, but grab a notebook and do the work.
If you’d like my help to go a step further and get yourself a rad workbook that will walk you through all of this, because diving into your financial health is intimidating AF, I’d be happy to help!
You can purchase this class in workbook form so that you actually complete the tasks instead of just listening. Grab it for $10.
If $10 isn’t something you’ve got right now, we can also exchange value when you write a review, leave a rating, or send the podcast along to others.
Again, this is an experiment. The trend right now is not just to give away simple things, but to make free courses and programs and challenges and audio and video and send 4,233 sales emails with timers and LIMITED OFFERS and tripwires and webinars and MY GOD IT’S EXHAUSTING.
This is me modeling more of what I would like to see in the world: fewer people doing things for exposure dollars. Less content marketing, more making things that are truly useful and not simply a ploy to build an email list. (I’m not giving this to you to build my email list because most freebies end up in your downloads folder, only to be found and deleted in roughly 2027. And that does neither of us any good.)
P.S. This experiment is anti-capitalist in nature, as you get access to the goods first and pay second. Translation: there’s TRUST here.
If this type of experiment is interesting to you, check out my anti-capitalist, pro-abundance-without-any-manifesting interview with Bear Hebert.