How to F*(&ing Communicate
Best for: talking to your peeps with a regular newsletter while a.) making dollars and b.) not freaking the fuck out.
In this audio class recording, you’ll make a communication plan you can actually stick to, stop stockpiling communication plan worksheets and templates you’ll only throw away or abandon (Chronic abandon-er here!), press send even when you’re scared, and nurture the *habit* of communicating — which means you consistently show up for yourself, your business, and your peeps. Read more about the course here.
If *actually* sending an email or two to your business peeps stands to make you $69 or more — and of course it does — this class pays for itself with a single missive.
Get instant access here for $69.
Best for: breaking up with your phone so you can do things you used to love but say you no longer have time for.
This 21-day class uses simple, totally doable daily tasks delivered by email to help you remember life before your smartphone. Each message contains a to-do, a GIF, and science to back up whatever it is I’m asking you to do. Many tasks have the opportunity for extra credit, too, because overachieving is a thing I understand. 😉
The entire program is 21 days, but just 10 days in and I’m already seeing my phone and social media usage time drop dramatically. And the thing is? I really don’t even miss it that much! I’m more present with my husband during our evenings, and I actually have free time again to work on projects or crafts. I’m literally becoming a better human. — Alicia Bruce
Pick it up for $69.
Go Your Own Way: free yourself from business as usual
Best for: handling allllll the business basics without cookie-cutter boring AF advice.
If you’re in the first few years of running a business, you’ve likely spent thousands of hours Googling advice for your every problem. Most of it is completely useless, and even the parts that appear to be useful have induced exhausted eyes-glazed-over snoring again and again.
What if you could learn the basics of business and implement simple, effective strategies for making more money without being bored to tears or looking exactly like everyone else?
That’s what Go Your Own Way is here to do. Allll the details here.
Get your digital copy with Pay What You Can Pricing!
Or buy the physical book:
Calling to the Deep: business as a spiritual practice
Best for: intense introspection and overcoming all the ‘WTF am I doing!!!!?’ feels.
If you feel more and more like being in business is WAY harder than mastering a few marketing tricks, making some products, and then raking in the dough…welcome.
Business is a spiritual practice, and the art of bringing your gifts to the world is one that requires skill, risk, and vulnerability in seemingly endless supply. I’ll help you walk through the difficult-yet-rewarding work of guiding your business in a meaningful yet profitable direction.
See allllll the details here.
Get your digital copy with Pay What You Can Pricing.
Or buy a physical copy!
Introverts at Work: selling and marketing alternatives for Quiet entrepreneurs
Best for: building your business without attending a single network event. 😉
It may seem like being an introvert and being in business are polar opposites, but there are many ways your Quiet-with-a-capital-Q nature works to your advantage when selling and marketing.
I’ll walk you through those advantages and help you share them with your potential and present customers throughout the book. (Bonus: each chapter ends with a dare to make an additional $1,000 using the methods outlined.)
Allll the details here.
Nab your digital copy with Pay What You Can Pricing!
Or buy a physical copy!
All the Selves I Used to Be
Best for: experiencing life’s biggest issues in 20 lines or less.
This is a collection of 69 poems written from 1999-2016, brought together to represent the good, the bad, and the ugly about coming of age with the internet, before the word ‘Millennial’ existed, before iPhones had been created, before the claws of social media got their talons into everyone. When there was love and losing it, consumerism and railing against it; finding the voice strongest within you and silencing it for far too long.
Grab your copy with Pay What You Can pricing!
Or buy a physical copy and snuggle up:
Best for: reconnecting with your own depths and your truest self
Breathwork is one part lying down and two parts breathing while a teacher like myself walks you through the process. It sounds *so* simple, but it’s the most powerful form of healing I’ve ever done.
It helps me work through alllllllllll my emotions (plus every last news article, social media comment, political stunt, and stint of gross weather) without totally and completely melting down. In about an hour, with no side effects, no drugs, and no leaving the house! Work on your ability to receive, your ability to feel joy — particularly if you have depression, or quieting that overachieving voice in your brain.
Your first class is FREE right here.