Most people I meet live in a constant state of describing themselves as ‘tired.’
We use that word like it means just one thing, but when we go one sentence into “Tell me about being tired,” we find wildly varying circumstances.
There’s the entrepreneurial kind that’s been working itself to the bone for weeks on end.
There’s the comparison kind that scrolls through Instagram all day and comes up short on inspiration.
There’s the actual, physical kind that sleep and hydration can fix.
There’s oh-here-we-go-again when a life pattern repeats tired.
There’s just-had-a-freaking-newborn tired.
There’s the particular sort of exhaustion that’s born of death, of a relationship ending, or of raising a toddler.
There are many, many shapes and textures to exhaustion, but not all forms are created equal.
Yes, you’re tired. But you don’t have to stay that way.
When we get a handle on the type of exhausted we are and the ways we can regain energy for that particular type of tired, we get a firmer grasp on our sense of selves, our souls, and our truest work.
(We also eat 80% less sugar and binge-watch Netflix with 30% less frequency. OR AT LEAST I DO.)
In this episode of That’s What She Said, I’ll walk you through questions that push you deeper into your own interiors, facing the sorts of fatigue you’re feeling with gentle inquiry and with ways to come up for a breath of fresh air in your own life.
This episode contains: no judgement, no supplement recommendations, and no life hacks. It’s full of food for thought, new lenses for your everyday activities, and why Instagram is really, really awful for you. (Hint: it has nothing to do with algorithms or the Evil Zuckerberg Empire!)
P.S. Closely related: how to hermit without breaking your life.