I spent a bunch of years buying 7-step programs. Double your Instagram following like 1-2-3! Follow these 7 steps to 6-figures! Get tighter in 10 days! (<<– yes, that’s an actual program that I actually bought.)
You know the kinds of programs I’m talking about! You probably have a few ::cough six or seven cough:: on your hard drive right now.
The problem was never with the steps. It was with me. Inevitably, somewhere between step 2 and 3, I’d veer off track and the rest of the steps would become irrelevant. (Thus, many many thousands of dollars also became irrelevant.)
It’s taken years for me to find the words and articulation for what I do instead of following step after step to get to where I’m trying to go with my whole being intact: I grab hold of the 3 threads.
What are the 3 threads, and what do they have to do with making the most of your time on this planet?
You’ll have to listen in, friend. 😉
In this episode of the That’s What She Said podcast, I’m offering a sneak peek of what’s happening live at the Brave workshop right this minute. Aside from the three threads, we’ll delve deeply into boundary-making. I’ve talked about boundaries before, but this time I’m diving into why they matter, why they’re more important than ever, and how they’re deeply connected to your ability to live a meaningful life. Starting today. No steps required. 😉
Boundaries aren’t about being mean or saying “no” or being selfish, they’re about making the space to live your deepest, most connected, and most fulfilling life. Listen below or by clicking right here.
It only gets better from here! That’s what she said.
Registration for Brave in Philadelphia this September is open, and there are less than 20 seats available!
P.S. No more business frappuccinos.