Picture a creepy dude you can’t quite make eye contact with because he’s too shady for that directness. Mr. Hazy (the creepy dude at right) loves it when you’re afraid to put evidence of your genius on your website. When you refuse to promote your products and services, just hoping people will buy because they’ve fallen in love…ooh, it makes him break into a dance of pure joy! Because hiding your genius = fewer sales = Mr. Hazy’s happiness.
Let’s get your previous clients doing some selling for you.
We’re going to find 3 examples of kind words past clients have used to describe your business, then get them onto your website. Letting others talk about your genius sends Mr. Hazy running for the hills. He can’t handle seeing your skills laid out in all their specific, tangible glory.
Whether you choose to call ’em Raves, Testimonials, or Kind Words, these snippets of your skills allow others to talk you up. Future clients read these kind words and imagine themselves writing them, and they’re one step closer to buying what you’re selling.
Raves, Testimonials, and Kind Words build trust. We love trust.
Our goal is to find three testimonials in the next ten minutes, so set a timer and play along.
Open your word-processing program of choice, create a document called Kind Words, and prepare your copy and paste function for some serious action!
Testimonial Hunting Ground #1: Your E-mail
Those heartfelt e-mails clients share when they receive your products or after they’ve finished up with your services are pure gold. If one in particular came to mind when you read this, go and find it, then copy and paste it into your KindWords.doc!
Testimonial Hunting Ground #2: Your blog comments or Facebook comments or [insert social media platform here] comments
Scroll through past blog comments and see if there are any raves you love – just copy and paste into KindWords.doc if you find treasure!
Testimonial Hunting Ground #3: Screen Captures
If your clients are prone to saying kind things IN PUBLIC, they are Mr. Hazy’s worst enemy: they’re already doing the selling for you!
Just use your computer’s screen capture function to have a little snippet of Facebook love (or Instagram love) on your testimonial page. The Facebook and Instagram interfaces are instantly recognizable, so there’s no need to explain anything. Just load that .jpg into your info page and voila! Clients selling for you!
P.S. To see some testimonials in action in different scenarios here in my neck of the woods, you can see them on my podcast page, or on the KK on Tap page to get you some business coaching.
Photo // Love Knot Photo, Steer Your Ship San Diego