Three $0 ways to make more money in 2019. - ⚡️Kristen Kalp

Three $0 ways to make more money in 2019.

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As you continue to be hit with the ‘New Year, New You’ vibes that encourage everything from starting a Keto Diet to taking endless free trainings that end in pitches for multi-thousand dollar programs, I wanted to give you a few ways to make more money that cost nothing more than your time.

$0 way to make more money #1: Separate your work from your worth in the world.

The value of your work is dependent upon many factors; some economic, some artistic, and some woven into the fabric of society itself. That’s why tying your work — specifically, the number of dollars it brings in — to the sum total of your worth is bound to disappoint you.

If you’ve ever said, “I’m gonna charge what I’m worth” or “they’re not willing to pay what I’m worth,” stop EVERYTHING and listen in. That’s dangerous talk, and we can untie your work from your worth in this brand new podcast episode.

$0 way to make more money #2: Clear energy and plan for the year ahead.

Clearing the energy of the past year while making simple, straightforward tweaks to your calendar can help 2019 be a touch less frustrating than 2018. If some part of you wants to usher in a clean slate for the year, particularly in business, this podcast episode will help.

Also! You’re not behind or wrong or dumb or hopeless if you don’t have a 2019 plan. It’s January freaking EIGHTH, you’re a living breathing amazing human who doesn’t have to waste one more second on perfectionism of any kind.

$0 way to make more money #3: Pay me, dammit!

If you’re afraid of making more money because you think you’ll somehow change — like making six or seven figures means you become a racist, sexist, no good, very bad asshole of DOOM (been there, thought that) —

Or you don’t think you deserve to get paid fairly for your work.

Or you don’t trust yourself to make more money.


Pay Me, Dammit! is a free class about money, but it’s really about all the ways money is a stand-in for the ways you’re holding yourself back. We tackle ‘em, together, and then I throw down scripts and techniques that just plain make you dollars.

Lemme know what happens when you listen to any/all of these, please! I’d love to hear about it, and I’m always here to answer your questions.



P.S. If you wanna make more money with my 1-on-1 help in 2019, check out KK on Tap for a full year of biz coaching.