You’re worthy of your desires.
You deserve the warm embrace of joy and laughter wherever you find it.
Your whole body longs for the ocean because you deserve the ocean, and you ache to travel because you deserve to see new things and experience new places and new people and soak in the mystery of being alive.
You cannot earn a summer day.
You cannot work your way to being worthy of stillness and quiet. You will never, ever deserve to browse that bookstore in Paris in the late afternoon.
Not because you need to try harder, but because those things are already available to you — right now — and they are not matters of worthiness but of embracing your humanity.
The soft wind, the beating heart, the smell of books on the second floor. You don’t have to earn a single one.
Your commitment to your work, your family, your interiors, your depths, and/or your waistline will not pay dividends of worthiness.
You’re already worthy.
You’re invited to the party, and your invitation is the sun shining and the wind blowing and the neighborhood kids gathering their towels for another long day of swimming and hoping the ice cream truck makes a stop on the sidewalk before bedtime.
You’re worthy.
You’re worthy,
you’re worthy,
you’re worthy.
You deserve to be here. You deserve to be alive. You deserve to do the divine dance of living on this planet.
You deserve joy and wonder and delight not because you’ve put in your time or earned your points or have sheer-undiluted-slog currency to trade in for something better.
You deserve the best of life simply because you’re breathing, and you’re allowed to keep breathing by the grace of we-know-not-what for another day.
You’re allowed to take up space.
You’re allowed to want more.
You’re allowed to let life be simpler and fuller and richer than you can possibly imagine.
You’re allowed.
Period, full stop, end of story.
You’re allowed.