10 measures of success that don't include dollars - ⚡️Kristen Kalp

10 measures of success that don’t include dollars

Money doesn’t equal success, though it is an easy shorthand to refer to when you’re not feeling particularly creative. Here are 10 alternative ways to check in with your success without referencing your bank account:

+ Working from home without losing your mind.
+ Going through a tube of sunscreen per week due to incessant beach visits.
+ Spending more than an hour outside on a work day.
+ Refusing to lead with price.
+ Going for the little win.
+ Going your own way, even when it’s pretty much insane looking to everyone else.
+ Embracing your creative process.
+ Soliciting feedback and realizing your clients see you. And love you.
+ Refusing to give up on your soul’s work.
+ Releasing a project that was many years in the making.