Rebellion is often portrayed as Princess Leia risking life and limb to sneak around with Death Star plans, but everyday acts of rebellion can help us advance our ideals in a sustainable way.
Rebellion and resistance are often most effective when they keep us sane, happy, and capable of empathy in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. It’s our job to keep our joy, to do our work, and to resist in every small and large way possible. …and if you’re tired and out of energy, start small.
Rebellion can be small, but vital; seemingly insignificant, but capable of moving the needle forward today. Key word: TODAY.
1. Subscribe to a newspaper.
2. Read a book. (One of mine, even!)
3. Get and then use your library card.
4. Buy an album or a record instead of downloading a single from iTunes.
5. Support local music.
6. Boycott homophobic restaurant chains.
7. Register to vote.
8. Run for office.
9. Turn your phone off for the day. (Yes allthewayoff.)
10. Write a poem.
11. Add your representatives to your phone’s Favorites.
12. Actually call your representatives. (I know, introverts, I know.)
13. Make beautiful moments and don’t capture them in any way.
14. Sell art for charity.
15. Meet up with people like you in person.
16. Spend time with the sea.
17. Take notes in the margins.
18. Give up sugar.
19. Or alcohol.
20. Or both.
21. Smile at a stranger.
22. Attend a scholarly lecture.
23. Let out your weird.
24. Let yourself feel what you actually feel instead of pretending you’re fine.
25. Work from home without losing your mind.
26. Make space for your wild.
27. Stand firm.
28. Stop worshiping at the altar of Busy.
29. Gather your people and love them hard.
30. Quit social media for as long as you’d like.
31. Write a love letter.
32. Support your favorite artist, maker, guru, or leader. Likes and thank you’s don’t pay the bills.
33. Be at home with yourself.
34. Fuck. Make love. Both/and.
35. Ask for help.
36. Ask for help, ask for help, ask for help.
37. Make space for what you really want.
38. Give up on the ‘next level.’ It doesn’t exist.
39. Give up on using buzzwords, period.
40. Embrace your spiritual practice.
41. Hang your heart out to dry.
42. Assume people want what you have to offer.
43. Call out your asshole brain for what it is: an asshole.
44. Say your dreams that will not die out loud.
45. Acknowledge the pain of turning yourself down.
46. Ask more questions.
47. Change the tapes.
48. Eat well and hydrate.
49. Rest.
50. Choose love.